- Need to be an engineer ? Continuation from “the old man”: Know thy tools (No. 5) In my experience there is little doubt that technology and innovations to a large degree revitalize and energize musicians to explore and push the envelope in new, sometimes unforeseen directions. – My father never understood what went on from the early 60’s, he was a “craftsman” and master of his instrument, and in this he felt comfort. As discussed in the previous article, the development of the amplification / loudspeakers for the electric guitar is in many ways the 1 st important technological step. - From this, a large array peripherals have been developed since the early 60’s, which is so closed interlinked to our music today … Effects units are available in a variety of formats or types. Stompboxes are usually the smallest, least expensive , and most rugged effects units. Rackmount devices are generally more expensive and offe...